Forest fires: The region under very high to extreme risk

Felix Blaquière | May 21, 2024

The next 24 to 36 hours will be critical for Abitibi-Ouest, confirms SOPFEU prevention and communications officer Audrey Marcoux.

She therefore appeals to the population for caution.

While people are doing their spring cleaning, especially outside, SOPFEU advises against burning trash on their property.

As for staff numbers, SOPFEU says it has taken the necessary measures to make up for its shortage.

SOPFEU says it has learned a lot from last year’s forest fires and is ready for the new season.,22170858931/tvaabitibi&description_url=&url=×480&vpa=click&gdfp_req=1&output=va st&unviewed_position_start=1&env =instream&max_ad_duration=30000&vpos=preroll&vpmute=0&impl=s&ad_rules=1&plcmt=1&correlator=__timestamp__



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