Spend a day in the Incredibles villa!

Airbnb never stops making us dream of trips to our favorite Pixars. After an almost unreal experience in the famous house from the film Up there, direction Los Angeles for a… breathtaking adventure! It’s at Edna Fashionthe renowned stylist of Incredibles that you will be able to pass a memorable day and damn fashionon the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the iconic cartoon, the first part of which was released in November 2004!

A spectacular experience

Your accommodation for a day? A worthy villa of a work of art, where chic meets minimalist. But it is also a small jewel of technology ready to create the most spectacular costumes! Your host invites you to wander around the premises, discover his notebooks of “ top secret sketch ”, but also taste “ an assortment of appetizers and drinks for nourish your creativity “.

©2024 Disney/Pixar

Stylist for a day

Because creativity, you are going to need it! This day will not only be devoted to visiting. You will also become a big name in fashion for a few hours. In Edna Mode’s laboratory, a team of professional stylists will help you create your own “ great costume » according to your powers. However, don’t forget the fashion queen’s golden rule: “NO CAPES!” “. To benefit from this experience, you can book from May 24 on the Airbnb website. So, will we find you in this temple of elegance?

©2024 Disney/Pixar



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