Negotiations with Quebec | Strike mandate ratified in CPEs

(Montreal) Workers in early childhood centers unionized with the CSQ voted 85% in favor of a “progressive strike” mandate.

Posted at 1:03 p.m.

Updated at 2:35 p.m.

Lia Levesque

The Canadian Press

The possible progressive strike, if it were to be triggered, would begin with the opening of the CPE half an hour later than usual, then an hour, then two hours and so on, to go to a half day.

However, no strike notice has yet been sent, Valérie Grenon, president of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers (FIPEQ), affiliated with the CSQ, said in an interview on Tuesday. Affected parents would be notified in advance, she added.

There are 3,000 members of FIPEQ unions, who work in CPEs in the regions of Montreal, Montérégie, Laval, Lanaudière, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Chaudière-Appalaches, Quebec and Estrie. These are not all the CPEs in these regions, since other union organizations are also represented there.

This progressive strike mandate will be used as necessary, depending on the evolution of the negotiations, noted Mme Grenon.

There is no question of an unlimited general strike “for the moment”, she added.

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Valérie Grenon, president of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers (FIPEQ)

“We just wanted to start gradually, to slowly put pressure on employers and the government. If we have to go there, we will go there, but I don’t have that mandate in my pocket. Then we have not planned any meetings to pick him up, for the moment,” she added.

Quebec offers workers in CPEs a 12.7% increase over five years. Given the shortage of workers in this field, it attempts to “optimize” the staff already in place to meet needs.

“The big issue is really workforce retention. They want to optimize the work of already overworked workers to resolve the labor shortage, therefore reducing leave and increasing the tasks of existing workers. So his solution will just exhaust our workers further and cause them to leave the network. And we can’t afford to lose anyone right now,” opined Mme Grenon.

Treasury Board

Quebec submitted its offers to all union organizations in mid-May. The CSN and the FTQ are also concerned.

Negotiations have only just begun, although the collective agreements expired on March 31, 2023, at the same time as those in the public sector.

Invited to comment, the office of the President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, recalled that “the choice of pressure tactics is the prerogative of the unions”.

“For our part, we are concentrating our efforts at the negotiating tables,” added the firm.



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