“The more cases go to mediation…the fewer cases there will be in court (Expert)

“The more cases go to mediation…the fewer cases there will be in court (Expert)
“The more cases go to mediation…the fewer cases there will be in court (Expert)

The Dakar Commercial Court held the “ Mediation conciliation day“, this Tuesday in Dakar. This day of mediation is part of the government’s efforts to engage Senegal in the modernization of access to justice. Speaking to the press, Abdoulaye Rokhaya Wane, expert consultant, returned to the importance of resolving disputes through mediation and not through criminal proceedings, especially with the oil and gas event.

Senegal will soon use its gas and oil. So, it is very important to anticipate this exploitation. Gas and oil are disputes that we are not used to. We must now prepare our magistrates, our lawyers, our experts, among others. Everything in the world is contentious. Gas and oil are generally managed through mediation and conciliation and not through jurisdiction, which is not only long but costly. It is important to prepare our societies for this eventuality“, declared Abdoulaye Rokhaya Wane on Senego’s microphone.

The expert added: “ with oil and gas, Senegal will experience greater economic development. And in this case, you will have an increase in the number of economic disputes. Therefore, we must anticipate and create conditions so that many disputes do not go to court, but to mediation and conciliation. The more files go to mediation and conciliation in the offices of lawyers and notaries, the fewer files there will be in court. And, this increases the credibility of Senegal… We must encourage mediation and conciliation as a solution to disputes. »



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