Girondins4Ever unclear between Straczek and Johnsson, I think it played a role, that’s a certainty”

Gironde District

France Blue Girondein the show
100% Girondins, Dorian Waymeleditor-in-chief of the specialized site My League 2spoke about the fact that you need a very good goalkeeper in goal to hope to move up. We don’t go back to Ligue 1 without a very, very good goalkeeper.

It’s primordial. It’s impossible to go up without a goalkeeper who brings in points. If we take Saint-Etienne, without Gautier Larsonneur they are not even on the podium, they are not third. He made 20 clean sheets, I think, in total. It’s absolutely huge. Léon in Auxerre, very, very beautiful season. Fofana in Angers, very, very good first part of the season, a little less after the CAN, because there was the title to digest etc, but in the first part of the season, incredible. Kamara in Pau, huge. These are just a few examples, but so many examples of goalkeepers that come to mind before Johnson, not necessarily, because from the moment he was really inducted number 1, he was efficient. But there was too much time between the Straczek moment, the Johnsson moment, at one point there was a bit of alternation, then I think Johnson was a bit injured. So there has been a kind of uncertainty about the hierarchy for a very long time, and I think that for a goalkeeper to be fully effective, he must feel this confidence in him, because he must exude confidence, but he must also feel it from his defenders, from the staff, from the managers. It’s true that this somewhat vague situation between Straczek and Johnson, I think it played a role, that’s a certainty. Then unfortunately for Straczek, I really liked him, but he had his chance, he didn’t know how to seize it, he made too many gross errors at that level, to have the time to be… Bordeaux was not in the situation of a club which, that’s it, a transitional season, we can maintain calmly. We were in a season where we absolutely had to come back, play for the top 2. We needed immediate results, unfortunately Straczek was a little too green at the start of the season, to score points, and it was better when Johnson was arrived.”

Transcription Girondins4Ever

Monday to Friday, on France Blue Girondefind the show 100% Girondinshosted and presented by Dominic Bourdot from 6:30 p.m. You can find the podcast of the show a few minutes after the end of it:



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