Lucheux: The airsoft game will see the light of day in May 2025: a privatized event with around twenty game personalities – “The Pact”,

Lucheux: The airsoft game will see the light of day in May 2025: a privatized event with around twenty game personalities – “The Pact”,
Lucheux: The airsoft game will see the light of day in May 2025: a privatized event with around twenty TV game personalities – “The Pact”,

The former military base of Lucheux will see the birth of a game combining sporting events, airsoft and strategy: The Pact. Some personalities will try it. For example, Teheiura, one of the stars of Koh-Lanta, is expected. The game will be filmed and then broadcast on You Tube in 2025.

A dream playground. This is what motivated Alexandre Delaunay, a former adventurer from the game show Koh-Lanta, to choose the former military base of Lucheux as the setting for the game he has just launched, The Pact. “ I came back from Koh-Lanta in 2023, I got into Hunger Games style airsoft. I joined forces with an airsoft club president and we gathered around fifty volunteers. » The idea of ​​a big outdoor game came at the beginning of the year. All that remained was to find a place that was well suited to it: a large space, outdoors, with abandoned buildings, where we could play airsoft. “ So we asked our volunteers if they knew of a place like this in . And several told me that it was clearly the former military base of Lucheux that corresponded. » Alexandre Delaunay, airsoft logistics manager, visited the site at the beginning of the year and was also convinced. The former military base is 11 hectares. The premises are occupied by the company 6 ATOM 922. It’s decided, The Pact, it will be in Lucheux in May 2025!

As the name of the game indicates, at one point or another it will be a matter of making a pact, of finding a suitable alliance with the other competitors. “ They will be around twenty people from television, a large majority former adventurers. » Let us cite for example the famous Teheiura from Koh-Lanta and Angie from Beijing Express. The team of volunteers is also planning the arrival of a participant from the new adventure show Destination X on M6, or even a participant from Ninja Warrior on TF1. “ It’s an adventure game that will mix airsoft, survival, sporting events, strategy. It will happen in three parts. »

First step: airsoft on the 11 hectare surface “ three underground levels, abandoned buildings, a dormitory, a kennel, a bunker. They will have to track each other down, seek each other out, attack or defend themselves “. This will last 45 minutes, before the bell rings. Time for the next step! This second part leaves room for elimination events: “ They could be sporty, logical, precise “. Winning these events, as we suspect, is essential if the players want to stay in the adventure. The winner(s) will be able to choose two people to send to the elimination round. The third and final stage of the game will be the time for compromise… “ This is where The Pact will take on its full meaning. The players will have to form teams, according to affinities, according to the strength of each. Going to the strongest is a fairly simple strategy, or they can counter-power. And it will be my role to offer them pacts », explains Alexandre Delaunay, who will be the host of the game. The game will take place on the 1is weekend in May 2025. From 23 to 28 candidates will try their luck for nearly 24 hours to be the big winner of The Pact. The idea is to do this game once a year. The Pact will be filmed and broadcast on You Tube.

This challenge comes at a cost, “ between €10,000 and €15,000 “, this is why Alexandre Delaunay invites local businesses to be partners of the event by participating in the financing, ” and we will display them on You Tube and networks “. The association also knows how to give generously: this weekend a giant online raffle took place, “ all funds will go to a foundation that helps children fighting cancer to smile again “. A smile is what The Pact will try to arouse among Internet users who love adventures with this new game in Lucheux, “ l’event (the event) airsoft de 2025».




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