Ukraine: the Sino-Brazilian plan has “contradictions”

Ukraine: the Sino-Brazilian plan has “contradictions”
Ukraine: the Sino-Brazilian plan has “contradictions”

The Sino-Brazilian plan still has “contradictions”, according to Cassis

The federal councilor is studying the peace plan proposed by China and Brazil, but fears a freezing of positions and pleads for dialogue.

Published today at 2:55 p.m.

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The peace plan amended by Brazil and China on Ukraine “still contains contradictions”, believes Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis. “But it is the opening of a door for dialogue,” he told the press in Lausanne on Thursday.

Switzerland has always affirmed that all peace proposals in line with the UN Charter must be discussed. Before the Bürgenstock summit (NW), she particularly wanted to prevent Russia from refusing any dialogue which would only relate to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ten-point peace plan.

Initiatives rejected

Moscow has rejected all initiatives so far and castigated the “victory plan” unveiled by kyiv on Wednesday. For their part, China and Brazil recently revised their plan. But this would still result in a freezing of current positions on the ground between Ukraine and Russia, unacceptable for kyiv.

Consultations between Switzerland and China have taken place in recent months. And on Tuesday, Secretary of State Alexandre Fasel met in Brasilia with his Brazilian counterpart Maria Laura da Rocha to discuss the two countries’ plan. “I do not think that the rapprochement is sufficient” with the conditions for lasting peace, said Mr. Cassis on the sidelines of the Lausanne ministerial on humanitarian demining in Ukraine.


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