War in Ukraine: in the midst of a demographic crisis, Russia on the verge of banning the promotion of a “child-free” lifestyle

War in Ukraine: in the midst of a demographic crisis, Russia on the verge of banning the promotion of a “child-free” lifestyle
War in Ukraine: in the midst of a demographic crisis, Russia on the verge of banning the promotion of a “child-free” lifestyle

Russian deputies adopted legislation on Thursday, October 17 at first reading prohibiting the promotion of a child-free lifestyle, against a backdrop of a demographic crisis amplified by the conflict in Ukraine and the Kremlin’s defense of “traditional values”.

This legislation was adopted unanimously, according to a live broadcast of the vote by the Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament. The bill must now be voted on in 2nd and 3rd reading.

“A strong family was proclaimed as a traditional value” in Russia in 2022, underline, in an explanatory note, the authors of the text, including the president of the Federation Council (upper house), Valentina Matvienko and the president of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin.

“One of the threats to traditional values ​​is the promotion in Russian society of the childless ideology which results in a degradation of social institutions (…) and creates circumstances for depopulation“, they say.

According to them, several communities and groups on the internet promote this lifestyle and have an aggressive attitude towards “those who realize their need to be mother or father”.

Defense of “traditional” values

Hence the need to “create a mechanism for defending traditional values”, explain the authors, who propose banning the promotion of childlessness on the Internet, in the media, in films and in advertisements.

According to Mr. Volodin, who presented this initiative for the first time at the end of September, a natural person would risk a fine of 400,000 rubles (around 4,000 euros), civil servants double that, while for legal entities the sanction could be increased to 5 million rubles (47,000 euros).

“There should be no propaganda putting pressure on women when they decide to have a child. This is what is happening in the United States and Europe”Mr. Volodine assured Thursday on Telegram, after the vote.

The defense of so-called valuestraditional“is a hobby horse of President Vladimir Putin, who constantly denounces the “decadence“Western. Russia represses the rights of LGBT+ communities in this regard.

Since his arrival at the Kremlin in 2000, Mr. Putin has made it a priority to stem the Russian demographic crisis, inherited from the Soviet era, but has never succeeded.

The pronatalist measures did not have the expected effects, with the Kremlin recognizing in July a situation “catastrophic for the future of the nation. The losses on the front in Ukraine since 2022 have only accentuated this trend.



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