he wins 1.35 billion in the lottery, but falls out with all his loved ones

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May 20, 2024 at 7:03 p.m.

In 2023, an American won $1.35 billion in the lottery. If he could be happy, he finds himself, in reality, in the middle of family conflict… Find out!

He buys a warehouse for less than €500 and discovers several million euros cac […]
He buys a warehouse for less than €500 and discovers several million euros hidden!

He wins the lottery… and it’s a tragedy…

As they say, money can not buy happiness, the proof once again, with this story! In 2023, an American won the sum of$1.35 billion (1.24 billion euros), in the lottery. But there, as explained by the media The Daily Beastthe man finds himself in a big family affair.

In fact, the latter accuses his partner of having revealed his lottery win, without his consent. He has even filed a complaint against her on May 10.

His father accuses him of not having helped him financially when he had made him a promise. At the same time, find out what this man became after winning a large sum of money!

@Can go

88 million won at EuroMillions

88 million euros: A Frenchman wins EuroMillions
88 million euros: A Frenchman wins EuroMillions

He wins the jackpot, but alienates his wife…

However, everything started well! On January 13, 2023, after purchasing a Mega Millions ticket in Lebanon, United States, he wins the jackpot.

In this country, the law offers two solutions: either receive payment in several installments of the total amount, or, receive a lower amountbut paid in one go.

The winner chose the second solution and therefore recovered 500 million dollars (after taxes). At the same time, discover the story of this woman who won the lottery 36 times!

@Can go

But now, since his victory, the American’s family situation has degenerated. According to him, his wife revealed his winnings to those close to him, without his consent.

So, he accuses him of violating non-disclosure agreement that he had made her sign. Of course, she totally denies it. Since then, he has received pressure from his father, who accuses him of not helping him financially. The couple thus finds themselves in total disagreement and does not seem to succeed in find common ground.

But that’s not all, several members of his family attack him, ensuring thathe would have made promises if one dayhe won the lottery. Something he completely deniest…


SO, what do you think of this story ? Give us your opinion by leaving a little comment! Next, discover the story of this woman, a millionaire!


Find out how a man won 300,000 euros at PMU without ever betting!
Find out how a man won 300,000 euros at PMU without ever betting!



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