in court, Marine Le Pen rediscovers her old lawyer reflexes

in court, Marine Le Pen rediscovers her old lawyer reflexes
in court, Marine Le Pen rediscovers her old lawyer reflexes

Questioned in particular about the case of Guillaume L’Huillier, “European assistant” of the RN accused of having actually worked as Jean-Marie Le Pen’s chief of staff at Montretout, Marine Le Pen defended herself with force and aggression on October 16 . Even if it means evoking a “reversal of the burden of proof” and crossing swords once again with the president of the court.

She fights. And over the course of these audiences, she unleashes her punches. Marine Le Pen is in the criminal court ring with an energy that attracts such a large audience that some have to stay outside. None of Nicolas Sarkozy’s trials, in this same Victor-Hugo room of the court, has ever attracted so many people. Marine Le Pen, she makes no secret of it in the asides she delivers in the aisles of the courtroom, during the suspensions, is at stake here for her political survival and that of her movement. “ A politician in a courtroom is a Russian roulette player with six bullets in his barrel », she says…

Here, she is perfectly aware that a sentence of ineligibility threatens her and that the fine that the RN incurs in the event of conviction for receiving stolen goods “puts the party at risk of death”. She is there for whole days, until 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday October 15, with her file under her arm, and wanders around the court room from her bench to that of her lawyer, Maître Rodolphe Bosselut, also at the court. comfortable as legal professionals. “ I try to be attentive », she says to the president of the court, Bénédicte de Perthuis, who no longer doubts it.



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