meeting with Jean-Claude Bonnaud, author of “Mademoiselle Nicoll”

meeting with Jean-Claude Bonnaud, author of “Mademoiselle Nicoll”
meeting with Jean-Claude Bonnaud, author of “Mademoiselle Nicoll”

The literary meeting organized on Saturday October 12, 2024 by the volunteers of the municipal library made it possible to welcome the former journalist and writer Jean-Claude Bonnaud, who came to talk about his work Mademoiselle Nicoll.

This book, inspired by the never-published memoirs of Edmée Nicoll, draws as much on the interpretation of the author who offers a fascinating “docufiction”.

At the rhythm of the story about the extraordinary commitments of Edmée Nicoll, the emotion is there. “She was the founder and patron of the Women’s Automobile Sanitary Sections (SSA) during the Second World War. Her motto led her to meet sometimes unsavory people, always with the aim of allowing her SSA to carry out their missions: to help others in the misery of war, whatever the identity of the victims. » Engaged in the Red Cross since 1914, Edmée was 20 years old when the armistice was signed. She received the insignia of the de Guerre.

A life of novel

For two hours, the audience was held in suspense by the life story of this extraordinary heroine, promoted to knight and then officer of the Legion of Honor in a military capacity. Those present enjoyed juicy anecdotes from his daily life, delivered by Annette, daughter of his private maid and Annick, his cook, who recounted the wonderful encounters here and elsewhere, from Gary Cooper to Gary Grant, from Arletty to Baroness de Rothschild… “His life, before and after this period of war, was equally incredible, thus opening the door to the novel”indicates Jean-Claude Bonnaud.

“Mademoiselle Nicoll”, by Jean-Claude Bonnaud, published by Food. 206 pages. €15.



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