“I want the mountains to remain beautiful”: from , she is committed to our summits

“I want the mountains to remain beautiful”: from , she is committed to our summits
“I want the mountains to remain beautiful”: from Cannes, she is committed to our summits

Véronique Abadie is a volunteer federal mountain supervisor for the French Alpine Club and, as such, responsible for the Mountain Environment commission, opened last Thursday October 3 for the branch of the club. A commission whose aim is to “guarantee that mountain practices are compatible with the preservation of nature and that they take place within the framework of respect and protection of mountain ecosystems”. This Thursday, she organized “a patous evening”in partnership with the nature environment association, “on the good behaviors to adopt when encountering flocks of sheep guarded by protection dogs for peaceful cohabitation in the mountains”.

What is this commission?

When the French federation of alpine and mountain clubs (FFCAM) ​​was founded in 1874, the idea was to emphasize knowledge of the mountainous environment and the desire to facilitate access to it. Not only being a sporting aspect, the state was keen that we share our knowledge, knowing that it was subsidizing us. The mountain environment being at the heart of our practices, a commission was therefore created in 1976. More concretely, it was a question of creating a common base between members, clubs, territorial committees and the FFCAM.

Why didn’t this exist before in Cannes?

I recently proposed it to the steering committee, it was accepted and I was asked to lead the project. It didn’t exist because it was all voluntary work. And for the synergy to take hold, goodwill is needed. I took up the subject because the commission is dedicated to the protection, awareness and sustainable management of mountain environments. I reinvested in the association a few years ago. I want the mountain to remain beautiful. I humbly try to make my contribution.

What are your goals?

Raise awareness, because people need to become aware of the climate emergency and the necessary protection of biodiversity. To do this, we need to train and raise awareness among members to enable them to act. The goal is also to guarantee a good strategy for access to the space for our sporting practices, to accompany, support and share all initiatives which will allow members of mountain clubs to continue their sporting practice while protecting the environment in which they evolve. It is in this sense that the Cimes label will be awarded from next year to clubs and committees which are invested in this direction. The FFCAM will also create a certificate in order to train supervisors for these missions.

Are you on your own to lead this commission?

For the moment, yes, but I welcome all those who would like to join me and accompany me, knowing that you have to be a member. It’s a commitment to continue going into the mountains while being as impactful as possible. So how can we limit our impact on the climate? I think we can protect what we love and be amazed at the same time. If we all do something, we can have an influence.

What is this “evening” about patous, which was organized this Thursday?

It was an opportunity, with the France nature environment association, to raise awareness about the right actions to adopt when we encounter patous, these famous sheep herding dogs which sometimes cause bites and attacks on walkers because some do not don’t know how to act. However, these dogs are very important in limiting wolf predation.



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