Red weather alert in Ardèche: Annonay closes schools, nurseries, transport and calls for extreme caution

Red weather alert in Ardèche: Annonay closes schools, nurseries, transport and calls for extreme caution
Red weather alert in Ardèche: Annonay closes schools, nurseries, transport and calls for extreme caution

The Ardèche switched to red weather alert this Thursday morning shortly after 10 a.m. due to rain and flooding. The City of Annonay has decided to activate its Municipal Safeguarding Plan. All schools and nurseries are evacuated ; parents must pick up their children before 11 a.m. School and urban transport are stopped. The Saint Exupéry library, the theater and the Maison de la Musique will be closed. It is prohibited to recover vehicles from basements.

The following streets are closed and vehicles must be evacuated before 11 a.m. (after 11 a.m. the perimeter will be completely sealed off): avenue de l’Europe (from the May 8 roundabout to Avenue Jean Jaurès); rue Simone Veil (formerly rue de Deûme; rue Gaston Duclos; rue Sadi Carnot; rue de Faya; rue Montgolfier; avenue Jean Jaurès; closure of businesses within the defined perimeter.

The town hall calls on residents to exercise extreme caution: “stay at home as much as possible and avoid traveling.”



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