An armed man tries to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen, he is killed by the police

An armed man tries to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen, he is killed by the police
An armed man tries to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen, he is killed by the police

the essential
Police shot dead an armed man who tried to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen this Friday morning.

An armed man who tried to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen was killed by the police this Friday morning, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on X. Around 6:45 a.m., the police were alerted for smoke emanating from the synagogue. When the police arrived, they found a man armed with a knife and an iron bar. The individual walked towards the police who then opened fire. The police fired five times, specifies France 3 Normandie.

An impressive police force was deployed in front of the religious building, rue des Bons-Enfants, testifies Paris-Normandy. The area is currently cordoned off by the police.

In Rouen, national police officers neutralized early this morning an armed individual clearly wanting to set fire to the city’s synagogue. I congratulate them for their responsiveness and courage.

— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin)

The mayor of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol visited the site. “The whole town is bruised and in shock,” wrote the magistrate of the Norman town.

Through this attack and this attempted burning of the synagogue in @Rouen, it is not only the Israelite community that is affected. It’s the whole city of @Rouen who is bruised and in shock.

— Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (@NicolasMayerNMR)

No information has yet been released on the profile of the man shot by police.

More information to follow…



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