diesel and gasoline prices Friday May 17, 2024

The evolution of fuel prices in France

In the French landscape, fuel prices are a major concern for many motorists. Over the years, these costs influence not only household budgets but also political and economic decisions. Let’s analyze recent trends to better understand where we are today.

1. Lead Free 98 (E5) and Lead Free 95

Unleaded 98 (E5) is currently trading at 1.969 euros per liter, marking a slight increase of 2.10% over the past year. Although this increase may seem modest, it represents an upward trend that could affect owners of vehicles requiring this type of fuel. Comparatively, Unleaded 95 (E5) sells for 1,900 euros per liter, with a similar increase of 2.10% over the year.

For those opting for the E10 versions of these fuels, Unleaded 95 (E10) is slightly cheaper, at 1,880 euros per liter. This represents an annual increase of 2.00%, showing a comparable trend to that of E5.

2. BioEthanol E85: An Economical Option

One of the rising stars in terms of economics is BioEthanol E85. Sold at just 0.890 euros per liter, this fuel stands out significantly from other options. Even more impressive, it shows a spectacular drop of 22.40% over the past year. This drastic drop in prices makes it an increasingly attractive choice for motorists driving flex-fuel compatible vehicles.

3. Diesel and LPG: Alternatives Considered

Diesel fuel remains a widely used option in France, despite policies encouraging it to be reduced for environmental reasons. The current price is 1.732 euros per liter, with an increase of 2.80% over one year. On the other hand, LPG, which is another less polluting alternative, sells at 1.005 euros per liter, having increased by 0.60% over the year.

How much do the main fuels cost in France?
Today For a week Since one month Since a year
Lead Free 98 (E5) 1.969 €/l – 1.8 cents/l (-0.90%) – 3.2 cents/l (-1.60%) + 4.1 cents/l (+2.10%)
Super 98 (E10) 1.897 €/l 0 cents/l (0%) 0 cents/l (0%) 0 cents/l (0%)
Lead Free 95 (E5) 1,900 €/l – 0.7 cents/l (-0.40%) – 4.2 cents/l (-2.20%) + 3.9 cents/l (+2.10%)
Lead Free 95 (E10) 1,880 €/l – 1.9 cents/l (-1.00%) – 4.1 cents/l (-2.10%) + 3.6 cents/l (+2.00%)
BioEthanol E85 0.890 €/l – 0.3 cents/l (-0.30%) – 0.6 cents/l (-0.70%) – 25.7 cents/l (-22.40%)
Diesel (B7) 1.732 €/l – 1.6 cents/l (-0.90%) – 7.4 cents/l (-4.10%) + 4.7 cents/l (+2.80%)
LPG 1.005 €/l + 0.8 cents/l (+0.80%) + 0.4 cents/l (+0.40%) + 0.6 cents/l (+0.60%)

Conclusion: which fuel to choose?

The decision on fuel choice depends largely on vehicle type and driving habits. For those looking for the most economical options in the long run, BioEthanol E85 could be a viable option, especially with its significant price drop. Unleaded users can expect relatively stable costs, while Diesel consumers should keep an eye out for slight price increases.

Consumers must therefore weigh their options taking into account not only the immediate cost but also the long-term impact on the environment and potential regulatory changes. For those considering new vehicles, low-emission options such as E85 or electric vehicles could represent wise long-term investments.



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