12 years, 7 months, 11 days on France 2: what is this TV film with Marie Denarnaud and Julie Gayet worth? – Cinema News

12 years, 7 months, 11 days on France 2: what is this TV film with Marie Denarnaud and Julie Gayet worth? – Cinema News
12 years, 7 months, 11 days on France 2: what is this TV film with Marie Denarnaud and Julie Gayet worth? – Cinema News

France 2 is broadcasting this evening “12 years, 7 months, 11 days”, a film freely adapted from the eponymous novel by Lorris Murail and carried by Marie Denarnaud as well as Julie Gayet. Is it worth a look?

What is it about ?

Although she was found innocent of the accident that caused Raphaël’s death at the age of 12 years, 7 months and 11 days, Inès Zerouali still feels guilty for the death of this young boy. To the point of being convinced that Lucie Coubert, Raphaël’s mother, wants revenge and attacks her son, Théo, the day he will in turn be 12 years, 7 months and 11 days old…

Intuition or paranoia?

This fear obsessed her to the point of distancing her from her husband, Mehdi Zerouali, who finally filed for divorce. The famous, dreaded day arrives and Inès, determined to protect her son, hides him in a cabin deep in a forest, long enough to confront Lucie…Her plan is clear: obtain her confession and convince her to give up her revenge.

However, even the most elaborate plans are never safe from a small grain of sand that can stop everything: Mehdi, who accuses Inès of having kidnapped their son, is determined to find him. He asks for help from the gendarmerie commander Sylvain Morel, unaware that the latter is much more involved than he seems in this affair…

12 years, 7 months, 11 days, Wednesday May 15 at 9:10 p.m. on France 2.

Who is it with?

Freely adapted from the novel by Lorris Murail, 12 years, 7 months, 11 days is a 90-minute film directed by Alexandre Coffre (The Recruit).

And to bring this story to life, the production called on Marie Denarnaud (HPI) and Julie Gayet (A Perfect Mother) who respectively play the roles of Inès Zerouali and Lucie Coubert, two mothers traumatized by a shared tragedy.

Alongside them, viewers will find Hubert Delattre (Machine), Mhamed Arezki (The Tribe), Anton Alluin (Paternal) and Hadrien Heaulme (La maison d’en face).

It’s worth checking out ?

12 years, 7 months, 11 days follows the story of Inès Zerouali and Lucie Coubert, two mothers marked by the same tragedy.

It must be said that Inès was judged innocent in the accident which cost the life of Raphaël, Lucie’s son. Certain that the latter wants revenge, Inès decides to take the lead.

The day her son Théo turns 12 years, 7 months and 11 days old, Inès hides him in an isolated cabin in the forest in order to confront Lucie and try to convince her to abandon her quest for revenge.

Intuition or simple paranoia? It is this question that will hover throughout the film. Indeed, Alexandre Coffre plays subtly and rather skillfully on these two emotions in order to maintain suspense until the end.

If the first part is somewhat confusing due to numerous flashbacks, the story gradually gains depth when we explore the point of view of Lucie, this mother who is struggling to mourn the loss of her son.

At the heart of the story lies a poignant face-to-face between Lucie and Inès, two mothers who are completely opposite, played brilliantly and accurately by Marie Denarnaud and Julie Gayet. And the latter deliver performances of overwhelming intensity.

The suspense is well balanced and reveals the pieces of a complex puzzle that we did not necessarily expect. Although the ending is disappointing, it in no way spoils the film. Indeed, the goal here is to understand the point of view of these two mothers: the one who wants to save her son from possible death and the one who cannot recover from the disappearance of hers.

In short, 12 Years, 7 Months, 11 Days is a film that plunges us into the twists and turns of guilt and impossible mourning. A fascinating psychological exploration brilliantly brought to life by a duo of talented actresses.



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