RTL Infos – May 9: The Land of Three Borders celebrates Europe

RTL Infos – May 9: The Land of Three Borders celebrates Europe
RTL Infos – May 9: The Land of Three Borders celebrates Europe

Every year on May 9, Europe Day celebrates peace and unity in Europe. This date marks the anniversary of the historic declaration made by Robert Schuman on a new form of political cooperation in Europe which is considered the birth certificate of what is today the European Union.

What more symbolic place than the Land of Three Borders to celebrate May 9, Europe Day. The coincidence of the calendar meant that Ascension falls on the same day in 2024, because only Luxembourg has made it a public holiday, but this year May 9 is a public holiday in all three countries.

Apach, Perl and Schengen and the twelve member municipalities of the Pays des Trois-Frontières organized for the second time their Festival of Europe around the bridge over the Moselle straddling Germany, France and Luxembourg. Musicians, artists and various stands and activities offered visitors the best the region has to offer. And the weather played along this year, making this Europe Day a popular success.

The next big event in the Land of Three Borders will be the Olympic torch relay which started yesterday in Marseille and will travel from Apach to Schengen via Perl on June 27. This will be the only incursion of the Olympic flame abroad. The Olympic “fire” will set the cauldron ablaze during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games on July 26 in Paris.



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