Forest fires | Lessons to learn for the next in Sept-Îles

Forest fires | Lessons to learn for the next in Sept-Îles
Forest fires | Lessons to learn for the next in Sept-Îles

With summer approaching, Septiliens may be wondering whether they will be hit again by forest fires like in June last year. The City says it is prepared to face another firestorm.

The evacuation of several thousand residents in the Beaches and Maliotenam sector was notable, throughout the episode of forest fires of 2023, in the territory.

If such an event were to happen again, the Municipality says it is ready.

One of the important aspects is to proceed by sector. The city of Sept-Îles is divided into several regions (Les Plages, Ferland Park, downtown). Thus, we would carry out gradual evacuations, explains the Fire Department of the City of Sept-Îles. No, not everyone at the same time, as was the case last summer in Chibougamau and Chapais.

This way of doing things is also the most efficient, in a context where Sept-Îles only has one exit route, Route 138.

“In June 2023, the evacuations went well and there was no panic. We learned from all that. If we have to do it again this year, we will do it the same way,” says the director of the Fire Department of the City of Sept-Îles, Joël Sauvé.

What is important, he says, is precisely to warn people in advance, to use pre-alerts. This allows you to have several hours to evacuate, if the order is ever given.

To make this decision, the emergency committee bases itself on the scenarios provided by SOPFEU regarding the evolution of the fire. The City had drawn a red line on a map. When it was crossed, the order was issued to evacuate while having sufficient time to complete this exercise.

“What we want to avoid are night evacuations and last minute evacuations. That’s what sows panic, because everyone wants to go buy food in grocery stores, for example,” he says.

At the height of the events, some feared that the town of Sept-Îles would be completely razed by the flames. Joël Sauvé assures that it would have been difficult for the fire to spread throughout the city, particularly in the downtown area.

There are few trees there, but many firefighters who could have tackled the flames in an urban environment.


One of the findings from the 2023 fires is the importance of pets for people who are evacuated.

“The majority of people did not use the accommodation centers, because they left to stay with family or with motorhomes. But those we had to accommodate who had animals, we had to find a solution quickly. The SPCA turned around a dime to help us,” explains the director of fire safety in Sept-Îles.

The animal welfare organization would automatically be contacted and now also has more experience.

Remember that last year, a man voluntarily remained in Mani-utenam to take care of the animals left behind following the evacuation.


“I’m not worried,” says Joël Sauvé about the possibility of another forest fire. It indicates that all preparations have been made.

Emergency responders in the city of Sept-Îles were surprised in 2023. However, the experience allowed them to test emergency plans.

“We were ready, last summer, to face such a situation. We were able to manage the event, despite its scale,” says Mr. Sauvé. “Our emergency plan is up to date and is functional. Our emergency management team is perfect and capable of doing a lot of work. »

Protect infrastructure

The fires in 2023 also made it possible to secure certain critical installations for the municipality. There has been deforestation around the drinking water treatment plant.

“I went to look recently and everything is clear. But it’s certain that we’re going to have to have a maintenance program, because it’s going to grow back,” says Mr. Sauvé.

The authorities of the City of Sept-Îles had a meeting with the Society for the Protection of Forests Against Fire (SOPFEU) and the Ministry of Public Security in recent weeks.

The goal was to prepare for the next fire season and ensure that each organization knows its role and responsibilities in times of emergency.

The MRC of Sept-Rivières recently acquired 170 camp beds, as well as kits containing blankets and hygiene items.

“All of this will allow us to quickly welcome people in the event of an emergency evacuation,” indicates Joël Sauvé.

The Sept-Îles Fire Safety Service is also looking at the possibility of purchasing certain equipment better suited to forest fires. He gives the example of pipes which help keep the ground moist.

Other measures should be put in place by the Municipality. A study is currently being carried out by SOPFEU. It will identify solutions to reduce the risk of forest fires in Sept-Îles and the threat they pose to people and property. To implement SOPFEU’s recommendations, the government of Quebec has committed to providing an investment of up to $500,000 for work on the municipality’s territory.

Cities must increasingly prepare for the consequences of climate change, recalls Joël Sauvé. Yes, there are wildfires, but there can also be coastal overruns, winter storms and/or extended power outages.



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