Hostage families: “It’s still October 7 for us”

Hostage families: “It’s still October 7 for us”
Hostage families: “It’s still October 7 for us”

Hostage families: “It’s still October 7 for us”

The families of the 97 hostages still in the hands of Hamas did not imagine that their loved ones would spend a year in Gaza. Sadness, fatigue and a feeling of abandonment eat away at them on this anniversary.

Cécile Lemoine – Nir Oz

Posted today at 6:56 a.m.

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She caresses with her eyes the label which still hangs over the small coat rack: “Ariel Bibas”. For Yifat Zailer as much as for the nursery school of kibbutz Nir Oz, time stopped on the morning of October 7, 2023. It is here, between the walls blackened by the flames of the small school, that Shiri’s cousin Bibas, kidnapped with her husband Yarden, and their two children, Ariel, 4 years old, and Kfir, 9 months old, wanted to come to talk about the unbearable absence of her family. “A year ago, Ariel was playing here with her friends”*, Yifat collapses, showing a video of the red-haired toddler blowing out the candles for his fourth birthday at school.



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