A man died in the fire at his retirement home in Oise

A man died in the fire at his retirement home in Oise
A man died in the fire at his retirement home in Oise


Editorial Oise

Published on

Oct 6, 2024 at 11:04 a.m.

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A 78 year old man lost his life in a retirement home Plaillya town in the far south of the Oise, at the gateway to the region.

The fire broke out around 11 p.m. on the night of Thursday October 3 to Friday October 4, 2024 at the Cèdre nursing home, and would have taken it from the room of the deceased resident, according to Courrier Picard.

The rapid intervention of emergency services, triggering of the fire alarm and fire door systems prevented the flames from spreading to the rest of the rooms.

Two other people who were slightly inconvenienced were also taken to hospital.

This nursing home belonging to the Colisée group welcomes in a renovated castle up to 88 residents, including 13 people in a secure Alzheimer’s unit, according to its website.

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An investigation, entrusted to the gendarmes of the territorial brigade of Orry-la-Ville and the Chantilly research brigade, was opened following the discovery of the body. An autopsy was to be performed soon.

The investigations shave in progress to determine the origin of this fire, although the accidental theory is currently favored.

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