No, electricity and gas prices will not increase – Réalités Magazine

No, electricity and gas prices will not increase – Réalités Magazine
No, electricity and gas prices will not increase – Réalités Magazine

The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (STEG) reacted strongly to persistent rumors concerning an alleged increase in electricity and gas prices from May 1, 2022. In a press release published Saturday May 4, 2024, STEG has categorically denied these allegations, which it describes as “erroneous information”.

STEG was keen to explain its policy of rationalizing consumption, emphasizing its commitment to supporting consumers and supporting government initiatives aimed at overcoming financial difficulties, while honoring its obligations towards suppliers of raw materials for the production of energy.

It is important to note that STEG affirmed that no decision has been taken in favor of an increase in electricity and gas prices for the current year, thus complying with the provisions of the law of finances 2024. This declaration aims to allay the concerns of the population and restore confidence in the country’s energy policy.

The company also provided clarification on the tariff calculation method implemented since May 1, 2022. According to this method, citizens whose monthly consumption does not exceed 200 kilowatt hours (kWh) automatically benefit from a preferential rate of 176 millimes for the first tranche. On the other hand, for higher consumption, such as 2500 kWh (more than 500 kWh per month), the price per kilowatt hour is set at 414 millimes, in accordance with the legal provisions in force.



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