what Barnier wants to change, the return to 62 years old envisaged?

what Barnier wants to change, the return to 62 years old envisaged?
what Barnier wants to change, the return to 62 years old envisaged?

The pension reform could already be modified in the coming weeks. Michel Barnier is already planning some adjustments… until the starting age returns to 62?

This is, with the increase in taxes, the other hot topic at the start of Michel Barnier’s governance. After its forceful adoption in 2023, the pension reform is (already) back. The new National Assembly is composed so that a majority of deputies are in favor of its repeal and a return of the starting age to 62 years. In any case, this is the wish of the elected representatives of the New Popular Front, regardless of their party affiliation, as well as those of the National Rally, i.e., at least 319 deputies.

From then on, the new Prime Minister and his new government were called upon to take up this issue. An openness to modifications was conceded by the successor of Gabriel Attal, on various points, promising to “improve this law” and to “reform the pension reform.” Michel Barnier suggested that adjustments to take into account the arduousness of work in the calculation of retirement, but also the broken careers of mothers, as well as long careers, could be made in the weeks/months to come.

Commitments which could be reduced to nothing if a pure and simple repeal of the pension reform is voted by parliamentarians. The hypothesis cannot be ruled out because on October 31, the National Assembly will examine a bill from the National Rally tabled to this effect. The NFP also intends to defend a similar text, in November, in the hemicycle. It remains to be seen whether the two parties will agree on the subject. And whether the text will pass all the necessary legislative stages before its final validation.

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12:19 – Pension reform repealed on October 31?

What if the pension reform was experiencing its final hours, despite the wishes of Michel Barnier? On October 31, a bill tabled by the RN will be debated in the National Assembly to return to a retirement age of 62 and 42 years. If a majority of votes are in favor, then the text will be sent to the Senate, then ratified by the Assembly, even in the event of disagreement between the two chambers (provided that a majority of votes are in favor each time to the Assembly). It remains to be seen whether Marine Le Pen and her fellow deputies will succeed in obtaining the votes of the left, which is also campaigning for the repeal of the reform.

12:05 – Changes for women’s retirement?

Lower salaries, broken careers… Women’s retirements often suffer from various professional biases and life events. If compensation has been put in place by various systems (free quarters, parental bonus), the current Minister of Labor, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, recognized that these changes could have generated “anxiety” among the women concerned. Michel Barnier, for his part, agreed that “a lot of progress” was possible on the subject, without defining the ambitions he has, giving his “confidence to the social partners to improve this law.”

11:46 – Any changes coming to the arduousness of work?

Emmanuel Macron wanted to “go much further”, Michel Barnier spoke of “a lot of possible progress”. Better taking into account the arduousness of work in the calculation of retirement should be one of the areas of reflection of the new government. Without predicting what the Prime Minister will decide, it could involve changing the way in which sort of “bonus points” are given to workers working outdoors, in physical jobs, at night or even in less than optimal conditions (noise , temperature variations etc…) and the “advantages” they provide are advancing Les Echos. Furthermore, the question of the four factors of arduousness removed by Emmanuel Macron (manual handling of loads, painful postures, mechanical vibrations and chemical risks) could come back to the table, underlines Capital.

11:26 – Michel Barnier against a return of the starting age to 62

This is THE hot point in the dispute over pension reform: the legal retirement age. Raised to 64 years in 2023, compared to 62 years until then, opponents of this change are still campaigning to make their voices heard. However, Michel Barnier ruled out a possible step back. “We have a law which provides for a financial framework and I think that this financial framework must be preserved,” he declared, therefore suggesting that the additional years to work were intangible. A change deemed necessary in order to finance the pension system, even if it will continue to be in deficit in 2030 when the reform was supposed to bring it into balance.

11:18 – Who could be affected by a reform… of the reform?

Since taking office, Michel Barnier has already spoken out on pension reform. During an interview on TF1he announced that he wanted to “open the debate on improving this law.” But for a very specific audience: the most vulnerable people. Understand: adjustments can be made, but at the margins. No major upheaval to be expected according to what the tenant of Matignon has suggested.

11:10 – Barnier will “clarify” his position on pension reform

This Tuesday, October 1, Michel Barnier will deliver his general policy speech to the National Assembly. On this occasion, the Prime Minister will make a “clarification” concerning pension reform, announces BFM . The main directions of possible changes could be defined by the head of government, who has already given some ideas on his wishes to improve the reform.



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