This ingredient is the first food that the French most want to eat when they feel sad

This ingredient is the first food that the French most want to eat when they feel sad
This ingredient is the first food that the French most want to eat when they feel sad

What do you eat when you have the blues? Find out if, like most French people, you turn to a very particular food to bring you a good dose of comfort!

Eating is not just a question of survival, it is also, and above all, an immense dose of pleasure. And when depression rears its ugly head, food can be a big help. Find out what food the French prefer when they need a morale boost!

The comforting power of food

When they have a slump or low morale, more than 8 out of 10 French people say they find comfort with food. In any case, this is what the conclusions of a study carried out by the Harris Interactive polling institute commissioned by Deliveroo reveal.

We also see that this behavior is more marked among women with 84% of them who will eat their favorite dish to find comfort.

But what exactly is comfort food? For the majority of French people, it is a colorful dish (for 87% of respondents), but also hot (86 %) et simple (70 %).

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And as for knowing which flavor is more reassuring: salty or sweet, the debate is still going on. Although the survey revealed a slight preference for sweet foodsespecially among the youngest.

Moreover, it is amusing to note that when depressed, there is a clear difference between the different generations. THE seniors will instead turn towards place sainswhich they will know is good for their morale as for their bodies, while the youngest will give in more readily to the gluttony of very rich and fatty dishes.

The undisputed comfort food champion

Without much surprise, the food that wins the prize for pleasure and food comfort is chocolate ! It is the first choice for 54% of French people and even 58% of women. Pastries arrive in second place on the podium (39%) and far behind, we find cheese (29 %).

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And somehow, it makes perfect sense, since the cacaocontained in chocolate (especially dark chocolate) has an antidepressant effect. Indeed, cocoa contains substances such as theobromine, flavonoids, phenylethylamine and caffeine, central nervous system stimulants.

In addition, consuming cocoa releases endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, known as the pleasure hormones.

Finally, cocoa, and therefore chocolate, is rich in magnesiuma mineral renowned for its antidepressant properties. Something to bring back a smile in the event of a drop in morale!

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A lover of gastronomy and world cuisine, I am passionate about exploring flavors that awaken the taste buds and stimulate the imagination. My love for cooking dates back to my…



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