“This Bucks team is the closest to what I had in Boston in 2008”

“This Bucks team is the closest to what I had in Boston in 2008”
“This Bucks team is the closest to what I had in Boston in 2008”

During the Bucks’ Media Day, Doc Rivers was very complimentary of his team, calling it “closest”, according to him, to the Celtics whom he took to the NBA title in 2008. All that remains is to confirm on the parquet floors.

These Bucks version 2024-25 are a clever mix. Experience, with Damian Lillard, Brook Lopez, Giannis Antetokounmpo… and youth, with profiles who are just arriving in the NBA. A mix that reminds Doc Rivers of his experience with the Celtics in 2008. A golden era, since the team won the NBA title against the Lakers.

Doc Rivers: “This team is the closest team I’ve had in Boston. »

I imagine he’s talking about 2008, because if he’s talking about 2006 we’re in trouble.

— TrashTalk (@TrashTalk_fr) https://twitter.com/TrashTalk_fr/status/1840753116158795859?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

All that remains is to lead this team to the top, since the Milwaukee team remains on two defeats in the first round of the Playoffs, each time penalized by injuries. Particularly those of Giannis Antetokounmpo. The coach also explained that the health of his players was the team’s big challenge this season. Data which will be crucial for the team to achieve its objectives.

Source : Bucks Media Day via Eric Nehm



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