DIRECT. May 1 demonstrations: 150,000 demonstrators expected in France, the mobilization will be “festive and family-friendly” according to the authorities

DIRECT. May 1 demonstrations: 150,000 demonstrators expected in France, the mobilization will be “festive and family-friendly” according to the authorities
DIRECT. May 1 demonstrations: 150,000 demonstrators expected in France, the mobilization will be “festive and family-friendly” according to the authorities

12,000 police officers and gendarmes mobilized, demonstrations “of a rather festive and family nature” expected

According to police sources, 12,000 police officers and gendarmes will be mobilized, including 5,000 in Paris. But the authorities generally expect demonstrations “of a rather festive and family character” and “more peaceful” than last year, when the day was marked by sometimes violent clashes in the capital and other cities such as Nantes. or Lyon.


“120,000 to 150,000” demonstrators are expected nationally

At the national level, “120,000 to 150,000” demonstrators are expected, according to a note from the territorial intelligence services.


Force Ouvrière number one Frédéric Souillot will be in Montauban


Find all the timetables for mobilizations in the region and in France

Read also :
MAP. May Day demonstrations: where and what time will the parades and rallies start near you?


The Toulouse procession will leave the center at 10:30 a.m.

The traditional May 1st demonstration in Toulouse will leave this year at 10:30 a.m. from Place Esquirol.


265 gatherings and demonstrations in France

For wages, for peace or even for a “more protective” Europe: after last year’s strong united mobilization against pension reform, the main unions are calling to hit the streets on May 1 with various demands. For this International Workers’ Day, the CGT lists more than 265 rallies and demonstrations in France, in the “high” range, according to confederal secretary Céline Verzeletti.


Hello and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the May 1st demonstrations



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