Global Innovation Index: Morocco gains four places

Global Innovation Index: Morocco gains four places
Global Innovation Index: Morocco gains four places

By LeSiteinfo with MAP

Morocco has moved up four places to occupy 66th place in the world on the list of 133 economies evaluated by the Global Innovation Index (GII), the 2024 edition of which was released on Thursday in Geneva.

With “performances above expectations given its level of development,” Morocco joins the group of middle-income economies in the top 70 of the ranking that have progressed the fastest in this ranking since 2013, underlines the Index published by the World Industrial Property Organization (WIPO).

In addition to Morocco, this category of countries includes emerging powers such as China, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam. With a score of 28.8 points, the Kingdom retains for the sixth time its “status of outperforming country in terms of innovation”, underlines the Organization, noting that it is one of three countries whose innovation is effective.

On the continental level, Morocco now improves its ranking, occupying the second place in Africa, after Mauritius (55th worldwide) and ahead of South Africa (69th), Tunisia (81st) and Egypt (86th). While Algeria comes far behind, at 115th place. Among the lower middle-income economies, Morocco occupies the 6th place on a list of 38 countries, behind in particular India (39th), Vietnam (44th) and the Philippines (53rd). By Sub-indices, Morocco is ranked 78th in the “Institutions” pillar, 81st in “Human capital and research”, 88th in “Infrastructure”, 82nd in “Market development”, 70th in “Knowledge and technology results” and 37th in “Creative results”.

But most impressively, the Kingdom now ranks first in the world for industrial designs (up from 10th in the last edition) and is among the top 30 for education spending, intangible assets rate, gross capital formation, high-tech manufacturing and brands.

Now in its 17th year, the GII is the reference for global trends in innovation, providing policymakers, business leaders and others with guidance to unleash human ingenuity to improve lives and address shared challenges, such as climate change.



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