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for improved safety of diagnostic processes


The theme chosen by WHO this year is “Improving diagnosis for patient safety” and features the slogan, “Correct diagnosis is a matter of safety”, highlighting the critical importance of accurate diagnosis for patient protection.

In parallel with this celebration, a national awareness campaign will be launched on the occasion of the National Conference on September 24, 2024, for a duration of four weeks. It is part of the Global Action Plan for Patient Safety (GAP-SP) 2021-2030, adopted at the 74th World Health Assembly in 2021. This campaign aims to mobilize healthcare professionals and stakeholders to take concrete actions to promote patient safety, while encouraging patients to adopt behaviors that promote their own safety.

It is essential to remember that the patient plays a key role in the accuracy of the diagnosis. By providing detailed and complete information about his symptoms and medical history, the patient contributes to a better understanding of his health condition and helps prevent potential errors. Active collaboration between patients and healthcare professionals strengthens the safety of care.

In addition, the global action plan encourages countries to adopt strategies to reduce diagnostic errors. The national conference will present the latest advances that biomedical technologies coupled with the digitalization of information systems bring to health professionals, as solutions to help improve diagnostic accuracy.

To address these challenges, efforts must be made to improve the safety of diagnostic processes, including the optimized use of information systems, the digitalization of patient records and the introduction of new medical diagnostic technologies, as well as to reduce errors through multidimensional interventions based on a systemic approach.eThis includes the active mobilization of patients, their families, health professionals, as well as decision-makers in the sector.



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