Disturbing disappearance of heptathlon champion Odile Ahouanwanou: an appeal for witnesses launched

Disturbing disappearance of heptathlon champion Odile Ahouanwanou: an appeal for witnesses launched
Disturbing disappearance of heptathlon champion Odile Ahouanwanou: an appeal for witnesses launched

An appeal for witnesses has been launched by the Seine-Maritime police to try to find Odile Ahouanwanou, a Beninese heptathlon champion who has not given any sign of life since September 10 near .

The athlete, who competed in the Olympic Games in 2012 and 2021, dropped her child off at the childminder’s in Sotteville-les-Rouen on the morning of Tuesday, September 10 and did not return to pick him up.

On X, the Seine-Maritime police specify that “her last location is Neufchâtel-en-Bray” and that she “travels in a Volkswagen Polo”.

Odile Ahouanwanou is 33 years old, has short black hair, brown eyes, is 1.78 meters tall and has an athletic build.

Anyone with information that could help locate her is asked to contact investigators on

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