The terrible images of the fires ravaging northern Portugal

The terrible images of the fires ravaging northern Portugal
The terrible images of the fires ravaging northern Portugal

Some of the fires that have broken out in Portugal appear to be out of control. On Monday, September 16, Lisbon requested help from the European Union to fight the twenty or so fires raging in the central and northern regions of the country.

Huge areas of the Aveiro province in northern Portugal are being devoured by violent forest fires. A call for help has been launched to European countries. On Tuesday, September 16, decided to send two Canadair aircraft as reinforcements.

The fires have already caused two deaths, a dozen injured firefighters, thousands of hectares burned and considerable damage.

More than 2,000 firefighters are mobilized and are trying to fight the flames fanned by the wind. Residents are trying to protect their property with the means at hand, but several houses have already burned.

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