Arnaud Tsamere reveals the promise made to his father before his death

Arnaud Tsamere reveals the promise made to his father before his death
Arnaud Tsamere reveals the promise made to his father before his death

Arnaud Tsamere spoke to the columns of Parisian on his new role in the theater: Cyrano de . A character that allows him to pay a beautiful tribute to his deceased father.

A promise kept. Arnaud Tsamere is returning to the theater this Tuesday, September 17. He will play Cyrano de Bergerac at the Montparnasse Theatre in . A return to the stage that the 49-year-old comedian was eagerly awaiting, especially since after the death of his father a few years ago, he was ready to end his career. “What I experienced is completely universal. I experienced emotional grief and parental. It creates a real rupture in me to the point of wanting to stop everything, to make a real change in my life and therefore a professional change“, he confided in As an aside last February.

Arnaud Tsamere reveals the promise made to his father

But if it was his friend Jeremy Ferrari who helped him cheer up, Arnaud Tsamere has not forgotten the last exchanges he had with his father. The latter wanted him to go back to theater.Before he left, he was in his hospital bed, we were a few days away from his passing, we talked about my career. Before he left, my father reminded me a little bit of order. He told me: Do some theater again. We talked about Cyrano again and he told me : You have the dream of playing Cyrano, do it! He was right. I told him. He really wanted to see me give my career meaning again… I’m obviously going to think about him a lot.“, he told the columns of ParisianIt must be said that this piece was very important for the father and son.

Arnaud Tsamere looks back on what his father taught him

The comedian talked a lot with his father and the latter taught him a lot, particularly about Cyrano de Bergerac.It was he who made me realize how powerful, beautiful and modern this work was.“, he confided. After a comedy show, Arnaud Tsamere is going back to the theater for his own pleasure, but also for that of his father who wanted to see him perform on stage again. It is also in a play that they both know well that he is returning this Tuesday, no doubt that he will think of himself and let his emotion speak.



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