Stéphane Séjourné proposed by the Élysée to replace Thierry Breton

Stéphane Séjourné proposed by the Élysée to replace Thierry Breton
Stéphane Séjourné proposed by the Élysée to replace Thierry Breton

It's a resounding departure for Thierry Breton. The 69-year-old European Commissioner announced on Monday, September 16, resigned from office and took the opportunity to settle scores with Ursula von der LeyenThis resignation comes on the eve of the announcement of the names and portfolios of the new commission.

Thierry Breton made his decision public, before the Élysée made his change of candidate official. In a letter published on social networks, he explains that the president of The commission demanded a name other than his in exchange for a more prestigious position for .

Because the relationships between Ursula von der Leyen and Thierry Breton were “execrable” and “known” to allsaid Nathalie Loiseau, MEP Renew and former Minister in charge of European Affairs, to RTL. The president of the commission would therefore not have wanted to repeat the experience.

Stayed, a profile that fits in Parliament

The Élysée Palace did not confirm this maneuver but specified that The position that will be given to France is prestigious : this will normally be industrial and technological sovereignty and the competitiveness of Europe, and probably a position of executive vice-president of the Commission.

So it is one of Emmanuel Macron's closest lieutenants who succeeds Thierry Breton as French Commissioner. This is the resigning Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné.

An unexpected nomination that the Élysée is defending. Because LThe Macronist political label of the future-ex Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs corresponds to that of the leading coalition in the European Parliament. Stéphane Séjourné is a former MEP and former head of Renew in . A way for Emmanuel Macron to reaffirm that Europe remains his domain, just like defense. Even if Michel Barnier at Matignon was consulted.

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