VIDEO – Linda Hardy in a relationship with Jean-Luc Delarue: her surprising revelations about her past private life

VIDEO – Linda Hardy in a relationship with Jean-Luc Delarue: her surprising revelations about her past private life
VIDEO – Linda Hardy in a relationship with Jean-Luc Delarue: her surprising revelations about her past private life

At the question “Are you already outing with a personality ?”Linda Hardy answers clearly “oui”. In the show At the Pools of Jordan De Luxe broadcast on C8 this Monday July 1, the former Miss France 1992 revealed having had relationships with several television hosts. “There is one with whom it lasted well and who is unfortunately no longer in this world”she said, before specifying that she was referring to Jean-Luc Delarue, who died in 2012 at the age of 48. “I was young and he was quite young too”she added, before explaining that this love story would have lasted “a little over six months”. “And why didn’t we know that?”Jordan De Luxe asked him. “He was discreet, and so was I, that’s it!”Linda Hardy replied.

“Well, what a story! What made it not go further?”asked the host of C8. “Because he was someone who was very busy with his life. It was at the time when I was a model. I was young, I must have been 24-25 years old. We even went on vacation together , in Bali”, detailed the actress, now 50 years old. The two celebrities had chosen to keep this story secret. “It’s part of the private sphere. You have men that you meet in your life and who don’t necessarily want everyone to know that you had an affair together. It’s decided between two people. There, Jean- Luc is no longer here so I can decide on my own.”Linda Hardy justified herself.

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Former Miss Linda Hardy very moved when talking about the death of Jean-Luc Delarue

“Did he already have his drug problems at that time or not?”Jordan De Luxe asked Linda Hardy. “I didn’t see anything during the whole time we were together. But, I was young and candid.”, the former Miss briefly replied. This revelation is an opportunity for her to pay tribute to the host-producer of It is discussed on France 2, even though she was no longer in contact with him during the last years of his life. “He was someone I really liked and who was extremely brilliant.”, she said with emotion. They never considered having a child together. Jean-Luc Delarue became the father of a boy named Jean, born in 2006 from his love affair with the host Élisabeth Bost. For her part, Linda Hardy is the mother of Andréa, her 14-year-old son.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Capture C8



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