Édouard Philippe accuses Emmanuel Macron of having “killed the presidential majority”

Édouard Philippe accuses Emmanuel Macron of having “killed the presidential majority”
Édouard Philippe accuses Emmanuel Macron of having “killed the presidential majority”

Guest of TF1 Thursday evening, the former prime minister said he was “ready” to “create a new presidential majority” which “cannot be exactly the same thing as before”.

Plus «libre» what «loyal». If further proof was needed that relations between Édouard Philippe and Emmanuel Macron are not in good shape, the short interview that the former prime minister gave Thursday evening to TF1 is the perfect demonstration. He, who “did not wish to make many comments” on the “political fact” of the dissolution, judged secondly that it “opened an extremely brief period of legislative campaigning.” Singer of a “alternative which is not the reproduction of what existed” since 2017 in the central bloc, the mayor of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) has raged against the head of state who, through the use of his constitutional prerogative, has “killed the presidential majority”.

“He dissolved it, it wasn’t me who left, it wasn’t the rebels who upset him”railed the former right-hand man of Alain Juppé, who calls on the macronie to “move on”. “Something else, it can’t be exactly the same as before, continued in the same tone Édouard Philippe. It means creating a new parliamentary majority which will operate on different bases from the old presidential majority.” A horizon for which the former head of government between 2017 and 2020 says he “ready”. “That’s what I’m trying to achieve, and that’s why I’m talking about it before the first round to have a chance of achieving it after the second”he pointed.

In our columns a few days ago, Édouard Philippe already affirmed “not to believe that the same architecture of the majority can be reproduced identically with only one or two personalities joining us.” No central bloc party “not being able, on its own, to be a majority”he pleaded for a “recomposition of a brand new parliamentary majority.”

The one who is eyeing the Élysée in 2027 also recalled on TF1 that the president had taken the decision to dissolve “alone” and in a way “sovereign”. And to blow hot and cold: “We can perfectly well question whether this is an opportune or untimely decision, risky or not risky, or on the contrary one that creates opportunities.” Preferring “to focus” for the moment on the first round which will take place on June 30, the boss of the Horizons! close ranks. And wants “tell the French that they are not prisoners of a choice between the extremes.” Before warning his adversaries and reassuring his supporters: he “will have the opportunity to say” soon everything he thinks about the political situation.



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