On Wednesday, the 75th annual Springfield City Tournament is tipping off downtown at the BOS Center.
Both the girls’ and boys’ programs of Sacred Heart-Griffin, Springfield High, Southeast and Lanphier, competing for the ultimate prize: BRAGGING RIGHTS for a year.
We spoke to some athletes before the event. It’s something they’ve remembered since being kids.
“I definitely was. Like little middle school me and I loved coming to all of the games. It seems so crazy. Court seemed huge and the players were old. It’s cool and nostalgic to be here as a player,” said Izzy Hassevrock of SHG.
“It’s actually like fun because you go up against people you grew up with. It’s a competition against everybody and everybody wants to win,” said Lovely Jackson of Lanphier.
The event is a round robin, meaning each team will play each other once, and the team with the best record is crowned the champion.
Girls’ start on Wednesday and the boys start Thursday.
-Here’s the seeding for the girls: Springfield holding the top spot, followed by SHG, Southeast and Lanphier.
And switching over to the boys, the top seed is also Springfield High, followed by SHG, Lanphier, and Southeast
Historically, the one seed usually wins this tournament.
Since 2019, SHG girls’ have dominated with three titles, but the Senators snapped that streak in 2024.
And for the boys, it’s been a little more spread out with Lanphier being the defending champ. Since 2019, Southeast and SHG has also won.
The event runs through Saturday.
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