The photo posted on social media network X went viral. In the ostentatious gilded decor of Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida residence, the Republican posed surrounded by his loved ones. With immaculately groomed hairstyles and evening wear, the mood was festive. Children, grandchildren and spouses posed smilingly around him.
“The whole clan,” captioned Kai, one of his granddaughters, in the wake of the septuagenarian’s victory in the US presidential election on November 5. Melania Trump was missing, but billionaire Elon Musk, nicknamed “Uncle Elon” by the 17-year-old, showed his closeness by slipping into the foreground. The photo has been seen more than 36 million times.
For Donald Trump, family is sacred. Heir to his father’s business, which he has turned into an empire, the real estate magnate has always relied on his inner circle, both in business and in politics. This was the case during his first term in office and will continue to be the case after his inauguration on January 20.
-The Melania mystery
Married three times, divorced twice, the patriarch reigns over a large blended family. His three eldest children, Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric, come from his union with Ivana Trump, who died in 2022. Tiffany is the only child he had with Marla Maples, as is Barron with his current wife, Melania. The former and future first lady may be absent from the photo but she is still officially at her husband’s side, although her future place and the role she intends to play remain a mystery.
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