DayFR Euro

Ischia, operational units at Service 5 for construction

The manager of Service 5 of the Municipality of Ischia, ing. Francesco Iacono proceeded with the establishment of the organizational units (Offices) and the attribution of responsibilities to the staff in service.

In the introduction, he recalls that the Council resolution of last July formulated the direction «that each top manager ensures the valorization and motivation of the assigned human resources, both by creating working conditions that allow the staff to carry out the assigned tasks in conditions of well-being , both through the adoption of productivity incentive mechanisms. Provide as a guideline to service managers to jointly verify the distribution, preferably on a voluntary basis, of human resources between the various services of the organisation; to proceed with the distribution of accessory resources between the various services; to reorganize human resources in their availability with identification of subjects with tasks that involve specific responsibilities or functions”.

There are two permanent employees assigned to Service 5, the surveyors Domenico Patalano and Filippo Buono.
The engineer. Iacono notes that in order to optimize the activity of municipal services it is necessary and appropriate to identify the operational units within Service 5: 1) One Stop Office for Construction – Land Registry – Seismic – Urban Planning – Support YIELD; 2) Private Building Office; 3) Anti-illegal building office. By attributing responsibility for the related procedures to the two employees: to the surveyor. Filippo Buono Filippo for the Private Building Office and the surveyor. Domenico Patalano for the Anti-illegal Building Office.


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