Next Friday February 7, TF1 will kick off the 14th season of Dancing with the stars. And for fans of VALLEYchoosing a favorite is not going to be an easy task! Chris Marques, Fauve, Mel Charlot and Jean-Marc Généreux will have the difficult task of judging the performances of Charlotte de Turckheim, Sophie Davant, Julie Zenatti, Nelson Montfort, Lénie, Jungeli, Ève Gilles, Claude Dartois, Mayanne but also three great sports personalities such as Florent Manaudou, Franck Leboeuf and Adil Rami. Behind his cheerful appearance, the latter intends to take up the challenge with the competitive spirit that we know him to be. “I'm only here for victory”, he confided to us, determined to the idea of “dethrone the little one Lazy“. In addition, Adil Rami will be able to count this year on the valuable support of his companion, of whom he speaks to us for the first time on the microphone of Tele-Leisure.
Adil Rami in the casting of Dancing with the Stars 2025 : “My dancer is going to freak out!”
A few days before the first rehearsals, the ex-Corsican defender is not very calm! “I'm an animal, I have crazy stamina. But my problem is concentration. I think my dancer is going to lose control!”, he tells us. However, he was able to observe the challenges of the competition very closely, at the time when his ex-partner, Pamela Anderson, had also participated in VALLEY in 2019. Since then, the chronicler of Big Heads turned the page on this part of his life, and even found love! To the question: “Are you still single?” Adil Rami timidly answers us that “non”.
Adil Rami in a relationship again after Lena Guillou: “Today, I want to settle down”
Indeed, Adil Rami is no longer a heart to take! Recently, he has shared his life with a mysterious young woman, who supports him in this new adventure: “I met someone not too long ago. It's serious, yes. But we're not going to show ourselves yet because I don't want it to talk too much… But yes, I want to settle down today.” explains the athlete. Asked about the potential arrival of his companion on the floor of Dancing with the stars, he responds cautiously: “Maybe, maybe… we'll see. But as a couple, I'm very serious so…” And to conclude, with a smile on his face: “In any case, I’m looking forward to it, I’ll see her in 5 days and I can’t wait!”
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