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why no one is safe from financial scams

Anne lost more than 800,000 euros in a romantic scam: a fake Brad Pitt fooled her, using messages on the Internet and crude photomontages. On Sunday, January 12, the show “Sept to Eight” devoted a report to her setbacks, giving this fifty-year-old French woman an involuntary celebrity. Result : thousands of messages, mocking or insulting, from anonymous people on social networks; a caustic column on Inter; jokes on the Club X accounts (“Hello Anne, Brad told us he would be at the Stadium on Wednesday for #TFCLAVAL. And you ? ») or Netflix (“Four films to see with Brad Pitt (I promise) it’s a gift”)…

The ordeal experienced by Anne after the broadcast of the TF1 report is unfortunately not an exception. The same jokes and insults flourish every time an article devoted to this type of scam is published. Like in 2023, when The World tells the story of a French woman defrauded by a fake David Hallyday account. Or in 2024, after the publication of an investigation into victims of fake investment scams, deceived by false interviews with public figures like Elise Lucet. He “You have to be stupid to get fooled like that”we could read systematically.

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