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KANDIL NIGHT GOD rosaries and dhikr ???? Which rosaries and dhikr are recited on Regaip Kandili night? Here are the prayer beads for the holy night…


It is generally accepted among scholars to pray during the nights of Regaib, to repent and ask for forgiveness, to consider this night as sacred and to spend it in various forms of worship. What makes Regaib different from other lamps is that it is in the month of Rajab and occurs on Friday night. It is believed that the mercy, donations and aid of Almighty Allah are distributed on this night. In other words, God Almighty is worshiped with this hope and belief. Here are the prayers that can be done…

The Holy Quran should be read

Cevşen-ül Kebiri, the blessed prayer of our Prophet (pbuh), should be read

Chat with family members about the meaning and importance of the day.

One must pray for the sake of Allah

We must take stock of the past days and years of our lives.

In order for sins to be forgiven, one must ask God for forgiveness and repent.

Abundant blessings and greetings should be recited to our beloved Prophet.

We should pray for our wishes for this world and the hereafter.

By visiting the sick and the elderly; should make the poor, orphans and orphans happy

We should congratulate our spouses, friends and relatives

The angry and resentful should be reconciled

Those who have rights over us should be sought and questioned.

We should congratulate our elders, parents, friends and other relatives by visiting them in person or by calling them on the phone.



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