The movie Karaoke tells the story of Bénédicte (Michèle Laroque), an internationally renowned opera singer whose career changes after a night of excess. Accustomed to the splendor of Parisian palaces and the spotlight, she suddenly finds herself isolated and disoriented. It is then that Fatou (Claudia Tagbo), a maid with a big heart and a karaoke enthusiast, extends her hand. Their improbable meeting marks the beginning of a duo as unexpected as it is touching.
A journey towards redemption and self-confidence
Guided by Fatou's enthusiasm and tenacity, Bénédicte accepts a challenge: participating in a national karaoke competition. Through this adventure, the two women, who everything seems to oppose, learn to rediscover and accept themselves. Michèle Laroque's masterful performance is enhanced by the generosity and boundless energy of Claudia Tagbo. This mix of emotions and music transports the viewer into a story that is both funny and poignant.
A star-studded cast and memorable moments
Alongside Michèle Laroque and Claudia Tagbo, the film can count on a remarkable cast, with David Mora, Sébastien Chassagne and Jochen Hägele. Everyone brings their own personal touch, creating memorable and often hilarious scenes. The careful production and catchy musical numbers make this Karaoke a moment of pure joy.
Karaoke is a captivating musical comedy, where friendship and music are at the heart of the story. Through the adventures of Bénédicte and Fatou, the film delivers a message of hope and resilience. To be discovered exclusively on CANAL+ this evening at 9 p.m.
Comedy film by Stéphane Ben Lahcene (2023)
With : Michèle Laroque, Claudia Tagbo, David Mora, Sébastien Chassagne, Jochen Hägele…
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