With 164,000 euros in winnings in 24 victories, Benoît is very close to qualifying for the Masters of Don’t forget the lyrics. A just reward for the Maestro who worked tirelessly to learn as many songs as possible.
But where will Benoît stop, following in the footsteps of the greatest champions of Remember the lyrics? Since he seized the silver microphone on December 2, 2024, the 31-year-old young man has impressed Nagui and viewers with his immense musical memory. He has a string of victories and crosses the symbolic bars one after the other, without taking himself seriously. On December 16, Angevin exceeded the milestone of 160,000 euros in just 22 victoriesa more glorious itinerary than that of the talented Karine.
Benoît is heading straight for the Masters, a fair reward for his work
Two new successes have since been added to his list of achievements, and Benoît is heading straight towards the Masters which welcomes the thirty-two greatest karaoke competitors from France 2. This sesame would be a sweet revenge for the one who had made a furtive passage during his first attempt in March 2023. But it would also reward his perseverance. In the columns of West Francethe champion admitted to having revised like a dog to count “1,131 songs” in his repertoire. “It’s the culmination of two years of work,” he indicated, explaining to our colleagues his mode of operation.
“It’s huge”, Benoît details his meticulous method for learning songs
The independent photographer, addicted to his profession, has in fact not counted his hours to become a human jukebox. “At the beginning of my learning, I learned between 5 and 10 songs a day… It’s huge”he confided. The method of this lover of old French songs? Write the lyrics of a song while listening to it repeatedly on a white sheet of paper, then “highlight passages to highlight the structure, and repeat it several times during the day and during the following days without making a mistake”. A time-consuming process but one that is bearing fruit as he only needs 13,000 euros to enter the ranking of the best maestros.
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