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The joy of Vincent Delerm? “That moment, before the show, the room going dark…”

Vincent Delerm in September 2023. LAURENT HOU / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP

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On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of “New Obs” and our report on the power of joy, the singer shares his taste for this ephemeral moment before the performance hall sinks into darkness.

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“Black room.
This has always been my favorite pre-show moment.
The room that goes dark.
As a child, it was before the circus. As a teenager, before concerts, the theater.
Now sometimes before dancing, and Léo Walk shows.
Looking around, the last moments before the lights go out.
See a Châtelet, a Salle Pleyel populated with such young people, waiting for the silhouette of Léo and his family.
All these faces placing so high the idea of ​​a troop, of vibrating together for an evening.
To recognize oneself in the bodies that will wander on stage.
La Marche bleue is the name of the company. Dancers aged 20 to 39, mirrors of the public. by Flavien Berger, flat areas of colors, shadows and reliefs so pure.
And then these movements of the body which bring tears to the eyes.
Twice I attended the last of a show of La Marche bleue, twice I saw the bouquets of flowers thrown into the room, the technical team joining the troupe on the stage, the final childish ruckus .
The bazaar. And joy, really joy, raw.
And also, twice I thought of this sentence from Truffaut: “If there's one thing you can't do anything about, it's charm.” »

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