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Children killed in Taninges: a woman's body found in Switzerland

It was in a car, parked in Switzerland, on the other side of the border with Haute-Savoie, that investigators found a woman's body, Bleu Pays de Savoie learned this Wednesday from consistent sources. The Bonneville public prosecutor must publish a press release in the evening. It is very likely that this is the mother of three children killed the day before in Haute-Savoiebut the body found has yet to be identified, we were told. Fingerprints were taken.

She was sought by more than sixty gendarmes since Tuesday afternoonwhen his relatives discovered his three children stabbed to death in their chalet in Taninges. In the house, they also found a letter from the mother, but there was no sign of her. Very quickly, investigators suspected this mother, a 45-year-old teacher, who was depressed, of this triple murder. They are directing their research towards Switzerland. The possibility of a flight abroad was immediately favored by the police. According to our colleagues from RTS, it was in the canton of Valais, in Champéry, that the vehicle was finally found. According to our information, the body was found around 10 a.m.

On Tuesday, at midday, family members discovered the three children, stabbed to death in their home. The deceased children, two boys aged 2 and 11 and a girl aged 13, were blended siblings. The two eldest were the fruit of a first union and the youngest, the son of Déborah P.'s current companion, with whom she lived in the house where the three bodies were found.



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