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Carnet noir – A player loses his life in a car accident, his president protests on social networks

Loïc Keita, player from the Stade Olympique Millavois, tragically lost his life in a car accident on the sidelines of the match on the Monaco pitch. Very upset, Laurent Tabutin (president of SOM), published a long message on social networks where he talks about very bad weather conditions.

Very sad news. (Fédérale 2) player Loïc Keita died this Saturday in a car accident. This took place while he was heading to Monaco to meet up with his teammates in the Principality. The Franco-Ivorian arrived this summer at the Millavois club. A versatile player, he was capable of playing in both second and third row but also a pillar since he had to face Monaco with the number 3 at his back.

An international with Ivory Coast, he was selected by his country to compete in the World Cup qualifiers in , but was injured. Passionate about since a young age, he played for the Stade Français Crabos, before going into exile in and then returning to Orléans, the city in which he grew up.

The president of Millau angry on social networks

His tragic disappearance occurs in a particular context. Indeed, a Cévennes episode was announced this weekend on the Mediterranean rim, giving rise to sometimes dire weather conditions. Aware of this news, Laurent Tabutin, president of SOM Rugby, expressed all his anger, but also and above all his sadness on social networks.

“For several days, Dantean weather conditions have been forecast around the Mediterranean. Our club must play tomorrow (this Sunday, Editor’s note) in Monaco after a round trip of more than 900 km! Given the weather conditions, storms, intense rain, many thought that our trip would be postponed. Alas, this was never considered!

This Saturday afternoon, we traveled in our minibuses with everyone worrying about an accident as the conditions were so bad. Very happy to arrive safe and sound, we were far from imagining that our end of the day would turn into a nightmare. Indeed, very worried about the silence of one of our players, we were going to learn that he had died following a road accident while joining us. This terrible news devastated us collectively, as we thought of Loïc's partner and the baby they had just had the pleasure of welcoming into their home.

As club president, I will never digest the fact of having endorsed a risky trip with the consequences that we know but above all I ask the higher authorities of French rugby to carefully assess the issues in the future before to maintain matches which, despite everything, remain a simple ball game. All this will not bring Loïc back, unfortunately, but it is unthinkable that his disappearance will have no effect on future decisions to maintain the match.”

To his family and to all his loved ones, the editorial staff of Rugbyrama / Midi Olympique sends its most sincere condolences.



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