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a 20% drop in prices, a proposal that dates back several months

Social networks are the main modes of expression of the RPPRAC and those who adhere to their fight against the high cost of living. The announcement of a protocol of objectives and means signed between the CTM, State and mass distribution is rather criticized on the web. Many Internet users call it the “Hayot agreement”. A look back at the genesis of the 20% reduction on essential products.

A 20% reduction on essential products, a proposal that would be rather old. At the end of the first round table on September 5, 2024, the stakeholders had already concluded, without the RPPRAC which had left the meeting, at this 20% reduction.

A few weeks later, Stéphane Hayot does not hide his satisfaction at signing the protocol. He spoke just after the 7th round table on October 16, 2024.

We are very happy to have reached an agreement. This proposed reduction on a number of very important everyday consumer products is a project that has been supported by distributors, in reality, for more than two years. All parties had to be at the table. To achieve this reduction, an exemption from dock dues was necessary, an exemption from VAT was necessary.

Stéphane Hayot, general manager of GBH

interviewed by Pierre-Yves Honoré

In May 2023, the general director of the GBH group, Stéphane Hayot, was interviewed as part of the commission of inquiry into the cost of living.

In particular, he presented six avenues to achieve a reduction in the cost of living. Among them, a drop of 20% on 2,500 essential products.

The last point, which seems very important to me, is the equalization of approach costs and taxation. We have been working for several months with the main distribution players in on a system which provides for the elimination of freight and dock dues for nearly 2,500 essential products. For this to happen, shipping companies must agree to move away from the single price for transported containers and local authorities must agree to review the breakdown of dock dues. Distributors would undertake to pass on all of these reductions in values ​​that would benefit consumers. Our simulations show that a scenario like this, for Martinique for example, would allow a reduction of more than 20% in the sale price to consumers of nearly 2,500 essential products.

Stéphane Hayot, general manager of the GBH Group

Hearing Commission of Inquiry Cost of living, May 17, 2023

A 20% reduction on thousands of essential products was among the 70 recommendations of the report of the commission of inquiry on the cost of living published in July 2023. The rapporteur, Johnny Hajar, gave himself one year to achieve a agreement with large retailers and the State for an urgent price reduction.

He clarified this in September 2023 in the show Politik Péyi.

We must negotiate with the large groups now, a reduction of 10 to 20% on all products, 30,000 to 35,000 references, we can lower prices by 10 to 20%.

Now we must take concrete action because it is urgent. The risk is dehumanization, the extreme poverty in which we are already, it is the mass of Martinicans who will leave their country, those who can. The risk is that we ultimately find ourselves in poverty, it also means finding ourselves in social chaos.

Johny Hajjar, rapporteur for the parliamentary inquiry committee on cost of living overseas

Politics of the country of September 13, 2023

A year after this interview, scenes of chaos have indeed shaken Martinique, on the sidelines of a mobilization against the high cost of living.

So a question arises, did the mobilization of the RPPRAC precipitate the establishment of a protocol of objectives and means whose contours had already been defined for several years?


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