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VILLENEUVE-LÈS-AVIGNON Good figures, a return to normal and prospects for SMICTOM

SMICTOM Rhône-Garrigues, which manages waste collection in the canton of Villeneuve and in the municipalities of Roquemaure, Domazan, Estézargues, Théziers and Aramon, took stock of 2023 and the first part of 2024 this Wednesday evening. It is also an opportunity to take stock of upcoming (major) projects in terms of waste management.

“The report for the year 2023 came out a little late, we’ll let you guess why”slips the president of SMICTOM François Zanirato, referring to the multiple problems encountered with the new waste collection delegate, Eco Déchets, finally liquidated in the summer and replaced by Nicollin. The year 2024 was therefore “horrible for us, at least for the first seven months”bluntly puts forward the president of an EPCI still in a transition period until November 1, the date on which Nicollin will start the new contract after winning the latest call for tenders.

“We work well with them, everything is back to normal, which allows us to look ahead”says François Zanirato, relieved to have finished with the disastrous Eco Waste episode. But before looking ahead, a glance towards 2023 allows us to say that, despite this complicated first half of 2024, everything is not going so bad for SMICTOM, with “a drop in tonnage of 5% in 2023, the AGEC law imposes -15% on us by 2030, we are perfectly in line”asks the president.

In fact, the SMICTOM is 197 kilos per year per inhabitant of residual household waste, compared to 224 kilos on average at the national level. On sorting at source, “we are in the national average”summarizes François Zanirato. To do better, voluntary bio-waste drop-off points will be installed in old centers by the start of next year. Furthermore, SMICTOM has a waste recovery rate of 91%, “one of the highest in welcomes the EPCI. “The AGEC law sets the objective of 65% in 2025”specifies the president. As for the financial results, they are consistent, with a surplus of 404,000 euros in 2023, which brings the cumulative surplus to 1.917 million euros. Thanks to this savings, “we were able to reduce the TEOM by 9% in 2024”recalls François Zanirato.

This surplus will also allow the EPCI to invest. “We are involved in the construction of a new Rhone sorting center with a capacity of 40,000 tonnes, with communities in and the north of Bouches-du-Rhône”presents François Zanirato. This project would be carried out directly on the Vedène site, next to the current sorting center, close to saturation. The project, with a total amount estimated at 35 million euros, is expected to “end of 2026, beginning of 2027”he says.

The second project is much bigger since it involves renovating the Vedène energy recovery unit. “The technicians tell us that we can still do ten years with the current ovens, but that we will have to reinvest afterwards”asks François Zanirato. Cost of the operation: 230 million euros. SMICTOM has therefore joined a group of granting authorities with other communities to co-finance this work, knowing that by then, “We need to invest 21 million euros to treat the fumes from the UVE, which no longer meets anti-pollution standards”he specifies.

More information, including collection days, here.


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