DayFR Euro

VIDEOS – vigilance in the : Haut- under close surveillance with torrential rains

The entire department returned to vigilance this Thursday from 3 p.m., for the risk of floods, storms and floods.

This is the canton of Fayence which finds itself under close surveillance by the prefecture, because it is in this area that the greatest concerns are concentrated, with the approach of a new front of bad weather: this morning, the firefighters have already carried out 47 interventionsin Tourette, Fayence or Callian.

Schools also had to close their doors in these same municipalities, but also in Tanneron, Seillans, Saint-Paul-en-Forêt and Mons. The D19 road, from Seillans to Fayencehad to be closed near the St Michel service station, while the RD96 between Callian and Mons was also cut, while the authorities point out that 30 cm of water can be enough to carry away a vehicle. The mayors of the different municipalities also broadcast warning messages to residents.

New call for caution for the coming hours

A second rainy spell should cross the Var, classified as orange alert for floods, storms and floods: a rainy front expected from 6 p.m. from west to east, which could settle there for part of the night. We expect, in places, up to 100 mm of water in a short timeet even locally up to 120 to 160 mm. according to the Var prefecture, which specifies having activated the Departmental Operational Center.

In the early evening, the heavy rains will first affect the Sainte-Baume and the sector then will shift towards the East, announced the Var prefecture in a situation update at the end of the day this Thursday. The event will last most of the night and a calm will first appear in the west of the Var. Precipitation will continue in Eastern Var until early Friday morning, particularly in the Estérel, and Verdon sectors.

On alert, 50 firefighters, as well as 15 water rescue specialists, are already mobilized and ready to intervene. Furthermore, the SNCF is already announcing disruptions on the line between Arcs Draguignan and Ventimiglia, the axis of which will be completely cut from 5 p.m. this Thursday.

The forecast for locally intense rain, particularly on the coast, should cause the coastal watercourses between Hyères and Fréjus to react, but without reaching, a priori, first overflow levels.“, writes the Var prefecture.

According to VigicruesGapeau, Argens and Nartuby should also react but without reaching the first thresholds of vigilance.

The prefect of Var asks everyone to limit your travel to what is strictly necessaryto move away from watercourses and to respect the diversions put in place. During stormy rains, significant runoff may occur: do not use fords, submersible bridges or underpasses or on a flooded road. 30 cm of water is enough to carry away a car.


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