DayFR Euro

warning – Stormy rains towards the plains and scrublands, according to Predict Services

After a very rainy day this Wednesday – the equivalent of three months of rain in the Cévennes – what can we expect this Thursday? Bleu Lozère took stock live at 7:45 a.m. with Sylvain Chave, scientific director at Predict Service. School transport is suspended in the north of Gard, beyond a line which goes from Massargues to Montfaucon. “We are in a very important event throughout the Cévennes region. More on the on the Ardèche side, with local accumulations greater than 400 mm over 24 hours ; We are in an episode which has a major impact on this sector.”

“It’s a real Cevennes situation: a supply of humid air and warm air from the south, the Mediterranean, which blocks itself against the Cévennes relief. And this since Tuesday. Which generates very significant accumulations of rain ( ..) during the night from Thursday to Friday, this entire system will shift towards the East, losing intensityand return to a calmer time.”

There is still Thursday to watch closely, despite everything. “Rain and even thunderstorms. Météo France has completed vigilance, particularly in Hérault, with strong storms which could come up again from the Mediterranean in the afternoon, and again concern the entire area.

And now the plains and scrublands

“In autumn, the action centers evolve. This year we also had a particularly warm Mediterranean Sea. The fuel for the entire system comes from this stock of energy.

“Over the next few hours, we will have continued rain, from Hérault to Ardèche, via Gard and Lozère; it will continue throughout the morning, until the beginning of the afternoon We could again see stormy rains coming up from the Mediterranean, and affecting all of these departments, in areas which have been less rained until now on the outskirts of the Cévennes region. I am thinking of the plains, the scrublands,. where you will also have to be careful. Météo France has issued a thunderstorm alert, in addition to the rain flood alert which is in progress.




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