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The decline begins in the Loir valley invaded by water

After two consecutive sleepless nights and long hours of worry, residents of the Loir valley can take a breather. The flooded river reached its highest level on Saturday October 12, 2024 in the middle of the day and eventually stabilized.

The decline was expected to begin in the evening in Vendôme, indicated prefect Xavier Pelletier in the middle of the afternoon. The State representative visited several municipalities affected by the flood of the Loir, starting with Fréteval then Naveil before going to the sub-prefecture town. Xavier Pelletier notably met the fire brigade divers who had just intervened at the campsite located in Grands-Prés.

Decision this Sunday for schools

“The situation is very encouraging, particularly in Fréteval where we are seeing a drop in Loir of 4 cm per hourhe clarified during a press point in Vendôme. We faced the challenges. Thanks to everyone’s mobilization, no injuries were reported and everything was made safe. Anticipation was the key to managing the event in full cooperation with the mayors of the valley, all of whom were very committed. »

The roads will gradually reopen as conditions permit. The national 10, partly flooded near Saint-Ouen, was diverted in the -Vendôme direction through the north of the city. The TER Châteaudun-Vendôme service was again provided in the afternoon. The flood did not disrupt TGV traffic.

The town of Naveil was cut in two by the flood of the Loir.
© Photo NR, L.O

“The decisions that were taken were absolutely necessary”

The assessment of the damage will then begin, the prefect will also monitor the question of compensation for the victims by insurance. In Vendôme, the flood peak was set at 2.22 m, almost the level reached in 1995 (2.25 m). The darkest forecasts envisaged a peak of 2.60 m. “The decisions that were taken, such as the evacuation of the Vendôme hospital center, were absolutely necessary. »

Xavier Pelletier also insisted on the quality of Météo forecasts and flood alerts. The information circulated well among the population.

Concerning the reopening of schools which remained closed on Friday, the prefect will make his decision on Sunday October 13 even if the outlook is favorable. Only one school on the banks of the Loir was flooded.

Some farms were affected. “No flock was trapped by the rising waters but a poultry farmer lost his livestock in the flood. »

The prefect indicates that 3,000 people and 90 homes could potentially be affected by the flood.

All State services were mobilized but also Civil Protection, while the firefighters carried out around sixty interventions.

This flood also sparked a great outpouring of solidarity. Example in Naveil where around fifty residents, young and old, spontaneously offered their help to the town hall by providing rooms for disaster victims or offering their hands to shelter furniture and clean flooded basements.

The Dormouse should quickly return to yellow alert. It should take a good week to return to normal.


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