DayFR Euro

Backlash for a former minister

E. Duplessy

The deputy for the second constituency of , Emmanuel Duplessy, must be satisfied. He asked, with other fellow left-wing deputies, that justice be seized of the case of former Macronist minister Aurore Bergé for having produced false testimony during a parliamentary commission of inquiry.

On April 30, heard under oath on the “economic model of crèches”, the former minister claimed to have no “ personal, intimate or friendly connection, or acquaintances » with Elsa Hervy, lobbyist for private daycare centers. A statement that several documents refute.

After the President of the National Assembly opposed it, the office of the National Assembly decided, this Wednesday, October 9, 2024, to report the case of Aurore Bergé to the courts.

In April 2024, according to Mediapart, Aurore Bergé, then minister responsible for the fight against discrimination, had challenged a senior civil servant to the position of regional director responsible for women’s rights and equality for the Centre-Val de region. because of political opinions that she considered too close to those of Benoît Hamon, a great friend of MP Duplessy…


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